PREVENT SILICONES has been active in the para-medical market for 20 years, particularly in the odonto-stomalogy and dental prosthesis sectors.

Our job is to produce silicone materials tailored to the requirements of each of these areas.

Odonto Stomatology concerning, we manufacture a range of polyaddition siliconefor impression taking in the mouth, consistent with the methods of so-calledfingerprinting technique and double wash mixture, but also to the mono print.

A policy of issuing « Factory Direct » allows our company to commercialize these product lines to extremely competitive prices with a quality / price.

Our expertise

Contact us

    How much is 4 × = 24

    Our coordinates

    PREVENT Silicones
    ZA du Beauregard
    110, rue Phénix
    26300 Chateauneuf sur Isère

    Tél. (33) 04 75 02 90 97
    GPS: 45.025040,5.040190